Working extra hard pumping out promotions for Sunday's event, which has been a ridiculous endeavor to say the least.
The event coordinator for the hotel quit her job mid project, leaving us stranded (she was very effective as far as people we've met in her job description as well), with the man in charge not wanting to put in the time to really do the event. Because of this, he cancelled our flyer pressings and all the radio ads we ordered, and then put in additional costs and really screwed us on the deal, thinking he could force us out. We doubled down, got investors, bought out the hotel, did flyers ourself, and he hit us again today with another 2500 he needs, and we got that too. At this point we've lost site of the original event (its over twice its budget now) but damned if we're not going to throw it. All our competition has cancelled their events because of our and we're gonna make sure it pops off. We've bought out newspapers, flyered clubs and complexes, and set up a ridiculous network, including beating the ASU system to get thousands of email addresses. The show must go on.
On the plus side, our Vegas event is confirming sponsors, has major radio ads and is set to be fully packed, so i hope that works out.
Local artist Ol Green Eyes and myself are set to start shooting our video in the next few days for our club single "Fly Girl", I made the monster of a beat, and we have mad love from djs and girls about the song, so we're pushing it as hard as we can, and trying to get that ringtone money up and running. Download Fly Girl here.
It's so abstract it almost seems like we're not selling out.
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