I blame hereditary issues on my strange compulsions to engulf chocolate on a fairly regular basis. So I'm kicking it, bag of dove's in hand, at 2am watching the cadillac charge its battery for tomorrows round of fun and testing.
Had a good show last night at Axis-Radius, a ton of our people came, we had a skybox and ended up popping serious bottles, the video crew was there with the girls hosting interviews etc. our pictures being blasted on the huge projectors outside the club, felt pretty cool. Felt better to kill the performance, we'll be back in the fall, this time on a Saturday, I don't think they'll be ready for the new batch of singles :)
Tomorrow night we have a show in Tempe, then thankfully six days off to prep for the next show. Just got booked for Myst and Glam in June to complement the Lyte and Axis dates we have already and I'm beginning to work on serious bookings for when school starts in August, keep the buzz up. It's crazy that this is starting to be all my time, not gonna lie its an amazing way to spend days.
Still hashing out the design work, ended up getting The Eldridge commissioned some other logos, but ended up going with one of mine, they wanted a vintage feel, and they got it here, looking forward to potentially seeing it on wooden business cards.
This blog has been relocated to GetYourSwagup.com