Portfolio coming along better than expected (only 3 to 5 pages left) and so I've been putting some work in on the music curriculum (6 classes down)... My current classes are on teaching the students how to use both effects and structure editing. My idea was for them to create a remix, where they first have to cut all of the different stuctural parts (verse, chorus bridge, intro etc.) into pieces and learn to blend them seamlessly. After that they create separate tracks for each section and have to remix the order, and apply different effects to each section to learn the sounds of the various effects. The project is then to write out an idea for a sound they want to apply to the remix, and then create a musical project using order changes and effects with a song of their choice. A paper explaining their decisions and how they used the various effects to achieve a sound ensues. This seems to be about a three day process, but one I think would be a rewarding way to learn the processes of the program. Whew.
Back to images soon.
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